Sunday, April 19, 2009

Well this is it...tomorrow will be my last day in Korea. I can't believe I'm going home!

My last weekend in Korea was pretty fun and eventful. On Friday, Cinderella took my co-workers, 2 of my students, and me out for my farewell dinner. We, of course, followed dinner with noraebang. My favorite part was when my students sang "SexyBack" by Justin Timberlake...I was so proud! Then Chinchu got into Seoul, so Anna and I went with her for some more noraebang! I'm really going to miss our fun noraebang nights!

Saturday night we went out to celebrate Chinchu and Jen's birthdays. It was a pretty fun and crazy night. I spent all day today packing and getting ready to go. I have a few more things to do closing my bank account, eating at my favorite restaurant, going to the coffee shop one more time, walking through Boramae Park, etc. And tomorrow will be my last day teaching! I'm pretty much ready to go though. Now I just have to hope and pray that my bags aren't over the weight limit....

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The cherry blossoms are blooming all over Korea and it is absolutely beautiful! It has been so warm and nice this past week. One day we went for a picnic in the park. It's great to finally not be cold!

On Saturday, we went down to Yeouido to go to the 63 building and the cherry blossom festival. It was such a fun day! I finally got to hang out on the Han River. We even took a nice boat ride out on the river. We stuck our feet in, but the water was still pretty cold. And probably really dirty too. We went to the Sea World Aquarium and to an art museum at the top of the 63 building.

I have just a little over a week left in Korea now. It still hasn't fully hit me that I'm leaving and going home soon. It probably won't hit me until I'm in a taxi on the way to the airport. I am excited about all the plans that have been made after I get home though. I can't wait to see everyone! And I especially can't wait to meet my nephew!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring is here!

It is FINALLY warming up here! Maybe one day it will even make it past the 50's...

So on Saturday we went to the first baseball game of the season. It was so much fun! It was the Doosan Bears vs. Kia Tigers. And our team (Doosan) won! There ended up being 12 of us that went together. The place was packed so at first we couldn't even get seats, so we all sat on the stairs. But that didn't stop us from having fun. Some of us even scored some free flags! (I'm going to have a lot of fun trying to fit that in my suitcase...)

Today we went to Insadong so I could do a little souvenir shopping. I had fully expected to have 6 more months to buy gifts for everyone and now suddenly I don't have much time. I definitely didn't get everything I needed to today, so hopefully I'll have another chance.

Only 15 more days in Korea...