Sunday, September 28, 2008

we're here!

Well we made it safely and had a great first day. Today will be our first day going to our school! Our apartment is tiny but we got mostly unpacked yesterday and are liking it a lot. I'll post pictures soon.

Yesterday the head teacher, Scarlet, the director of the school, Cinderella, and her boyfriend took us out for lunch. It was some of the most delicious food! Then we went for a walk in the park. And was karaoke time! At this point we had run into two of the students from the school and their moms. So we all went to do some karaoke. Great first impression!

We have internet in our apartment already but we don't have converters to plug our laptops up with. So I can't stay on for long, but I wanted to give you all my address!

If you want to send me anything, send it to the school:
Heather Perrin
California Language School
4511 Shingil 6-Dong
Seoul, South Korea

I miss you guys and love you lots!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


we went for our visa interviews today and will be picking them up tomorrow afternoon! i now feel a little like i know how claudia and sulam felt when they went for their interviews. it was quite scary and the guy was really intimidating! but all is well and we are leaving friday morning. here's our itinerary...
6:10am Friday leave Atlanta
7:10am Friday arrive at Dallas/Ft. Worth (my absolute least favorite airport of all the airports in the world that i've been to!)
10:10am Friday leave Dallas
1:05pm Saturday arrive in Tokyo
3:20pm Saturday leave Tokyo
5:50pm Saturday arrive in Seoul!

i'm not looking forward to the traveling part of it. i live in atlanta, one of the biggest hubs....why must i fly to dallas first???

oh well, can't complain much i guess. i better go pack some!

ps. i'm going to my starbucks at 7:30 thursday night to say goodbye to if you're around the area please stop by!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Last night Scarlet called me from Korea to let me know they had our confirmation numbers. This morning, Anna called to try and get us interviews at the Korean consulate in Atlanta. We were hoping for tomorrow. Evidently there were no appointments available until the 24th! And we were going to leave the 23rd! So I'm not really sure what exactly is happening now, but we'll have at least a couple of more days here. Scarlet also emailed me some pictures of our new apartment and it made me super excited! Well that's all for now, maybe the next time I write I'll have some more definite plans...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

almost there...

So Anna and I have been waiting on our visa confirmation numbers for a week or so. I'm hoping in a couple of hours I will get an email or phone call letting me know they're in and we can go to the consulate for our interviews. As soon as we get our visas we should be off to South Korea! It still hasn't hit me that I'm leaving soon and I'm not really sure when it will.

I have tons of things to do this week to get ready for the next year of my life. Friday, my friends in Carrollton are hosting a party for Anna and I. It's going to be "a year in one night". Should be interesting. Should I dress up for Halloween? Wear a Christmas sweater? An Easter dress? So many options!

THEN on Saturday my mom is making Thanksgiving lunch! Or something like that. Some of the fam is coming over and we're having a big Thanksgiving/Christmas/Birthday meal. But I can't stuff myself too much because Varessa and Laura have planned a dinner for us that night. I really do have the best friends ever and I'm going to be sad to leave them.

Well since I'm not actually in Seoul yet, and this probably isn't exciting to you at all, I'll leave you with this...

My home for the next year.