Monday, October 13, 2008

Nothing really big has happened in the past week. We were really busy all last week with work stuff so we didn't get to do much. On Saturday we did go on a picnic with the school to Seoul National University. It was a beautiful campus! And we live pretty close to it. I'll post some pictures soon.

I did upload some of my photos to my flickr account, so I'll try and get back to using that again. So check those out...I'll try my best to keep it updated.

I promise I'll update again soon! But for now, I'm tired and am going to bed. Goodnight!


Arnold Austin Jr said...

Nothing big happens until you make it happen...or some cheesy quote like that.

Hope all is well.

Brandon said...

I feel you on the being too busy to do anything heather. Least you got to go on a picnic. I am just waiting for noon on friday to roll around, cause then I will be done with my exams. Then it will be funtime! Hope things are going well with your kinders.
