Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It seems like things are finally starting to slow down a little bit here...but I guess we'll have to actually see if that happens. We only have a couple more weeks until vacation! YEAH!!!! We finally finished final exams and writing evaluations for all of our students. Both of those took a lot of time and it meant we brought a lot of work home with us for two weeks straight. I'm SO glad it is finally over. We wanted to take it pretty seriously, but sadly that wasn't possible. Why? Because we can't be honest when we grade tests or give evaluations. If a student makes a terrible grade or we are honest about how their attitude sucks in class, etc., then their parents might pull them out of the school. So even for our worst students, they still got pretty decent evaluations. I have these three boys in one of my classes. Until yesterday, they had NEVER been to class on time. A lot of times they show up at 4:20 when the class starts at 4 and ends at 4:50. It's ridiculous! They come in talking and playing. They don't do their work. They stress me out SO much! But could I put any of that on their evaluation? NO! I had to write about how they're good students and show real potential....which is not true at all! Anyways, its over and we still have jobs, so I can't complain too much.

Julie left and we have a new teacher, Melissa. She seems really nice, but we definitely miss Julie. Anna and I are going to hang out with her one more time tomorrow night before she moves to Canada. Melissa taught at the school before, so at least she knows what she's doing. The school wants to hire one more Korean teacher though and we've had numerous people around for the past few weeks. They are always sitting in on our classes (which makes me pretty nervous). But it seems like as soon as we get to know them a little bit, they don't get hired. If we get another teacher, we'll all teach one less class and get a planning period. That will be pretty awesome!

So Jen and Katie are in Korea now! We get to hang out with them this weekend!!! We talked to Jen a lot last weekend and wanted to hang out with her, but honestly had no idea how to get her to Seoul. They live in the same city, just a little bit outside of Seoul. I think it'll be like a 30 minute bus ride into Seoul, somewhere on the subway line. I am so excited about getting to see them!

Our Thanksgiving was actually pretty amazing. We made a few American dishes, nothing fancy though. But the best part was having Scarlet, Julie, and Cinderella over. We'll definitely never forget the Thanksgiving when we ate dinner with chopsticks in Korea. It was funny when Cinderella said she wanted kimchi! Here's all of us that night having dinner in our apartment.

It snowed a little bit this past weekend! It was pretty exciting! We decided to head out in the snow for some pictures and walk up to Starbucks for some coffee. It was fun, but unfortunately the snow had mostly melted by the time we got out. That's ok though, I'm sure we'll get plenty more!

Well, there really isn't a lot going on right now besides work. We're getting ready for Christmas and were able to get some gifts and shipped them off to the States today! I'll try and be better about updating this in the future :) I miss you guys and love you lots!

1 comment:

Arnold Austin Jr said...

Chopsticks for thanksgiving takes the cake!

I wish we would get snow in Lima.