Monday, January 19, 2009

Today I had a nice moment in the restaurant where we eat lunch all the time... I was sitting there eating when I overheard a Korean man asking the waitress about what I was eating. First, I was excited because he thought what I was eating looked good. I am a very visual person and I feel like I do this kind of thing a lot. I rarely ask about it, but I am constantly checking out other people's food. Then, I realized that I was able to understand what they were saying enough to figure out that they were talking about my dish! That part made me really happy. Although my speaking skills are almost nonexistent, it was nice to realize I can now understand what people are talking about to a certain extent.

I just talked to my mom a little bit ago and it turns out my dad is not doing well at all. Please pray for him and the rest of my family. They're getting a lot of other family members involved to try and help him. I don't know what will happen with this, but I am really hoping and praying that he will listen and do something. It's so hard for me to be so far away and not be able to help him or anyone else in any way. I know that all I can do is pray, even if I was at home, this is pretty much all I could do. But there's still that part of me that wants to hop on a plane and try and do something. Thanks for your prayers. I love you guys.

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