Wednesday, September 24, 2008


we went for our visa interviews today and will be picking them up tomorrow afternoon! i now feel a little like i know how claudia and sulam felt when they went for their interviews. it was quite scary and the guy was really intimidating! but all is well and we are leaving friday morning. here's our itinerary...
6:10am Friday leave Atlanta
7:10am Friday arrive at Dallas/Ft. Worth (my absolute least favorite airport of all the airports in the world that i've been to!)
10:10am Friday leave Dallas
1:05pm Saturday arrive in Tokyo
3:20pm Saturday leave Tokyo
5:50pm Saturday arrive in Seoul!

i'm not looking forward to the traveling part of it. i live in atlanta, one of the biggest hubs....why must i fly to dallas first???

oh well, can't complain much i guess. i better go pack some!

ps. i'm going to my starbucks at 7:30 thursday night to say goodbye to if you're around the area please stop by!


Arnold Austin Jr said...

How 'bout we go to our Starbucks and think of you! Have a great time on your journey.

Brandon said...


Did you get to Korea okay? I hadn't checked your blog in a while and it says you landed sometime last night. Let us know how the trip went.