Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I got back yesterday from my 4 day vacation in Japan. It was a lot of fun! We went to visit Elijah in a town south of Osaka. He lives in the country. It was strange to not be in a huge city for the first time in four months! He also lives really close to the beach. Too bad it was cold...definitely not as cold as Korea though. We were afraid we weren't going to make it because there was snowing so much in Seoul the morning we left...

Luckily we made it to Japan without any problems (just an hour long delay due to the de-icing of the plane).

Unfortunately, it was a very short trip. So we tried to squeeze in as much as we could in four days. We spent some time in Wakayama with Elijah and some of his friends. We also spent a day in Kyoto. I loved Kyoto! Jen grew up there, so she was able to take us around and show us lots of stuff.

However, Japan is definitely the most expensive place I've ever been. I knew it was expensive, but I had absolutely no idea just how bad it was! I don't want to think about how much money I spent there in such a short amount of time. Next vacation I take will surely be to somewhere tropical and cheap!

I think it was a good trip for me because it made me realize how much I actually like Korea. I was ready to come back home by the end of the trip. It still isn't near what I feel for Peru, but Seoul has definitely become my temporary home.

Well, I'm still pretty exhausted from the trip so I'll just share some pictures with you before I go to bed....


Arnold Austin Jr said...

Great Shots

Brandon said...

Again Heather, I am really jealous that you got to go to Japan. Great pictures!