Sunday, March 8, 2009

So things have been much better the past couple of weeks. Scarlet stopped coming right after Ocean graduation and I'm wondering if that is part of why I've enjoyed work more. She's supposed to be coming back tomorrow...but we'll see.

My kindergarten class graduated on the 21st. I'm so sad to not be teaching them everyday! They put on a performance and were all dressed in hanbok (the traditional Korean dress). Cinderella even dressed Anna and I in a hanbok!

One of my favorite parts of the Ocean performance was when they sang one of my favorite childhood songs...Skidamarink!

The week after Ocean graduation was crazy. Since my class had already graduated, they just had a fun week with lots of field trips. On Monday, we went to the movies. The driver drove us and dropped me and six kids off to see a movie. It ended up being dubbed in Korean, so I was incredibly bored. The next field trip was so stressful! I was supposed to go to this palace with seven kids and the driver. Well, right before we were supposed to leave, the driver wasn't answering his phone. So what did they decide to do? They sent me and seven kids on the subway by ourselves! Ever babysat seven kids before? It's tough. Now add a field trip way across the city on public transportation in a country where you don't speak the language. It was one of the most stressful days ever. We had to ride the subway for about an hour and a half just to get there and we had to transfer once. I was so afraid I would lose a kid or something. When we transfered I had all the kids hold hands and we walked in a big line all the way across the station. I was definitely getting some weird looks. We made it there finally but because it took so long, we only had about thirty minutes at the palace before we had to go back.

After my kindergarten class started elementary school, our schedule changed and is pretty amazing right now. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and every other Friday I don't have to be at work until 1:25. And Anna has the morning off Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Friday. I'm not sure how long this will last, but it's pretty awesome for right now!

I guess that's about everything that has happened recently. Everything else has just been your normal stuff...going to the movies, eating out, and always followed by karaoke.

I miss you guys a lot and would love to hear from you! Sometimes I feel like only a few people are actually reading this. So send me an email please ( and let me know what is going on in your life!


GretchenandJosh said...

that video was the cutest thing ever! You're kids are adorable!

Arnold Austin Jr said...

Heather in a dress. Alright, shows over, the world is coming to an end.

Brandon said...

That really does sound stressful. I can barely handle 4 or so kids on my own when I work with the orphans here in Grenada. I love it though.

Things are pretty normal with me, just trying to pass pathology! my brother comes down here to visit for a week tomorrow. that will be fun

Enjoy your easier schedule while it lasts