Monday, March 16, 2009

Things are really kind of crazy right now...Anna is in the hospital with diverticulitis. She should be ok, but will be in the hospital for a few days. This is definitely tough for her, considering she is in another country so far away from her family. I stayed with her for a while tonight and it was definitely a challenge trying to get things for her. Cinderella is staying with her now and I will head back in the morning before work. There are also some things going on with my family back home. When I was in Peru, my granny went to the hospital and they thought she was having a heart attack. It was so hard for me to be away at that time. But now, it happened again. It wasn't a heart attack, but they are still running tests to figure everything out. Her memory is not so good anymore and seems to be getting worse. So, my family is dealing with that and trying to figure out the best things to do. This, of course, is making me want to go home to be with my family and help out with everything. I just don't know what to do right now. Please pray for me about all of this and for Anna too!

1 comment:

Arnold Austin Jr said...

We are in your prayer corner.