Thursday, March 26, 2009

Some news...

Well, a lot of stuff has been going on back home and in Korea lately. With everything going on, I feel like I need to be with my family right now. So...I will be leaving early to go back to the States. I still don't know exactly when because the school wants me to try and find a replacement or wait until a new teacher can start. I know how this will go though. They will keep asking me to stay a week longer and then just one more week and one more, etc... So I'm going to see if I can find anyone interested, if not, I'll let Cinderella know on Monday so that she can go through a recruiter to find my replacement. It looks like I'll be coming home towards the end of April. I'm not going to go into detail about why and everything on here, but if you want to know, you can email me and I'd be glad to explain everything to you. I'll let you guys know when I get a definite date. I am definitely looking forward to seeing everyone again though! Love you guys!


Arnold Austin Jr said...

We are praying for you, girl

GretchenandJosh said...

I know that all the reasons you are coming home are not good ones, but I have to say I'm glad you are coming back... I was just asking Missi today if she knew when you'd be back. I miss you. I'll keep you in my prayers. Love you