Monday, December 22, 2008

all i want for Christmas is you!

It's finally starting to feel like Christmas! Anna and I finished up our Christmas shopping on Sunday. We even split up for an hour so we could shop for each other. It's difficult to buy stuff for your friend when you're with them almost all the time. I think we managed to get everything done. Tonight we wrapped presents and listened to some Christmas music. It was fun! This is the result...

And here are all the presents with our "fireplace"...

I can't wait until Christmas Eve! I'm actually pretty excited about Jen, Katie, and Chinchu coming over. That day at school our kinders are going to put on a Christmas performance. They've been practicing basically the whole time I've been in Korea! I have a part in it too, but I'm not really excited about that. Oh well, it should hopefully be a fun day!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas! If you have a minute give me a call on my skype (it's free in case you were worried) number is 678-459-2231. If I'm not around my computer, you can leave me a message. I love you all and miss you tons!!!

::edit:: the night just got better when i looked outside to see snow falling!!!!!

1 comment:

Arnold Austin Jr said...

Tell me about it.

I don't have a minute apart from Susie...difficult to buy anything for her that way!