Sunday, April 12, 2009

The cherry blossoms are blooming all over Korea and it is absolutely beautiful! It has been so warm and nice this past week. One day we went for a picnic in the park. It's great to finally not be cold!

On Saturday, we went down to Yeouido to go to the 63 building and the cherry blossom festival. It was such a fun day! I finally got to hang out on the Han River. We even took a nice boat ride out on the river. We stuck our feet in, but the water was still pretty cold. And probably really dirty too. We went to the Sea World Aquarium and to an art museum at the top of the 63 building.

I have just a little over a week left in Korea now. It still hasn't fully hit me that I'm leaving and going home soon. It probably won't hit me until I'm in a taxi on the way to the airport. I am excited about all the plans that have been made after I get home though. I can't wait to see everyone! And I especially can't wait to meet my nephew!

1 comment:

Arnold Austin Jr said...

You can let it hit you while you're in a taxi, but don't let it hit you in a taxi!

don't you love English!